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Video: Cop being investigated for breaking man's leg over 'bad words'

A traffic policeman from the St James Division is now under investigation after a video began circulating showing him using controversial means to apprehend a man who had reportedly used expletives in a section of a town in the parish. The one-minute video shows the policeman having a conversation with the man who is said to be a bus conductor, about the language that the man had used in a conversation minutes earlier. The man is heard telling the police officer that the lawman had often used similar language to taxi men in the town, and instead of having an argument with him about indecent language, there were criminals around, whom the police should be focusing their attention on. The argument escalated to a point where the policeman takes out his handcuffs and attempts to place them on the hands of the man, who defies instruction to subdue himself, and flashes off the hand of the lawman. The cop’s reaction, however, has left many people in the town in shock after having either witnessed the incident personally or seeing it on the video.   

 Without warning, the policeman, as shown above, pulls out his baton and uses it to viciously hit the man on one of his feet. The impact of the blow results in the man’s foot being broken above the ankle, resulting in the man falling to the ground immediately. “Why did you have to use so much force on the man who wasn’t going anywhere,” a woman is heard screaming in the video as the officer calls for police back-up. There are reports that the Independent Commission of Investigation (INDECOM) has launched a probe into the incident.

More than 1,000 rounds of ammunition seized at Kingston graveyard

Police on Wednesday morning seized over 1,000 rounds of ammunition during an operation at Calvary Cemetery on Lyndhurst Road in Kingston. Reports are that about 6:04 am, while conducting an operation at the cemetery, Denham Town Police officers saw a group of men who aroused their suspicion. The men reportedly ran when the lawmen attempted to accost them, and during a subsequent search of the area by cops, a black knapsack was seized. The knapsack reportedly contained one holster; four magazines; one hundred and thirty two 12-gauge cartridges; one hundred and ten 7.62 rounds; ninety-one .308 rounds; two hundred and twenty-eight .38 rounds and five hundred and ninety-nine .44 rounds of ammunition. Investigations are ongoing.

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